Monday, August 16, 2010

How to bypass Premium Content Surveys

Ever came across the Premium Content Surveys that blocks the whole website from being viewed? They're the ones that came up on Facebook likes and pages. But now they're all over the place.


You go to the site and you try to see something but it won't let you move the page, it just moves back to that survey content area. Can't click on anything in the site, the only satisfying thing you can do click on "Need help" and send a report about your huge dislike toward the damn survey.

So there's an easy way to bypass this survey area.

Step 1: Find a site that you want to view but can not because it's blocked by the premium content survey.

Step 2: Open up a new tab or new window and type in this URL:

Step 3: Go back to site with the premium content survey and copy the URL of that site.

Step 4: Then go back to "" and in the "URL to recode" box at the top of the page, paste in the URL of the other site.

Step 5: Click to check the "Disable Javascript" box. (If you can't find it, press Ctrl and F to bring up the find box, in there type in Disable Javascript)

Step 6: After checking the box, click on "Recode Data" next to the URL to recode box, and in a matter of seconds the page should be come up without the premium content survey. And the page is free to be viewed.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Folder Lock/Hide - No softwares needed

I was randomly looking at newer and more recent notepad tricks and came across Lock/Hide folders trick that doesn't require one bit of software nor pay anything. All from the notepad, one of the most powerful tools in a PC computer, you can do so much than just a blank white page.

Here is the script: Copy and Paste it to your notepad
title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End
Replace "YOUR PASSWORD HERE" with the password of your desire. Go for an unexpected name.
If you can't find "YOUR PASSWORD HERE" in the script, it is the 13th line from the bottom.

Then save it as a .bat file. For EX: "Locker.bat"
*It might not work with all operation systems! Windows 7 might have failure on this*

When you're done go to where you save d it and it should be there.
Double click the .bat file and another folder would appear named just as the .bat file's name
Put whatever files you want to hide or lock in that folder.
When you're done double click on the .bat file again and a command prompt window should pop up asking you "Are you sure you want to Lock the Folder (Y/N)"
type in "Y" for yes and "N" for no.
If yes then the folder should disappear in a second.
When you want to open it up again, double click on the .bat file and a command prompt window should show up once again and ask "Type in password to Unlock Folder".
If it's the right password it should come up immediately.

By the way hide the .bat file somewhere so it won't be messed up or deleted. I recommend putting it in some folders so that it isn't easily messed up or editted. The .bat file can be easily editted with a right click and your password will be easily replace by whoever resetted it.

Everytime you hide the ".bat" file and you want to open up the hidden file you must drag it back to the desktop or the original place where it was saved to from the beginning. Putting it in another folder and double clicking the .bat will not open up with the command prompt window, instead a new folder appears.

This file cannot be searched for in the search box. The content inside the hidden file itself can be searched up but can't be opened. An error box appears when clicking on the contents.

*If deleted and important files are gone I'm not responsible. Do so at your own risk.*

There ya go! Hope this helped!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

INCEPTION Review and Opinion (somewhat game related)


ONE WORD.... Mindblowing! It's all about dreams (I won't spoil the rest). But as some people said it was confusing, pointless or just not worth it. IT ISN'T. The first 15- 30 minutes of the movie might be very hard to follow but surely after they explain, it's all you have to keep in mind. Throughout the movie however there will be times that the audiences (including you) would be scratching your heads and wondering which is the dream and which is reality. When it gets confusing, hang on in there! Follow along, and keep negative thoughts out it won't help especially when you paid money to watch it in theaters. The spectacular special effects, physics, crazy events and explosive actions keeps the movie going! At one point of the movie it was extremely similar to the a singleplayer mission in Modern Warfare 2, almost as though it was a copy. And another one similar to GTA 4 (go see for yourself).
Christopher Nolan does it again!!!
Movie Budget: A whopping $160,000,000! ($160 million)
Box Office/ Gross Revenue: $108,091,000 so far (2nd week)


By: =x9=Rippinheads

Friday, July 16, 2010


Long time no post...
It's been 5 months since I even posted anything, school works and stuff been tough, keeping me and Shuriken from posting stuff. School however been over for almost a month now. This is late AWAY Note. It's summer and we'll be back and posting till September comes.

From =x9= Rippinheads and on behalf of Shuriken and KC we say

=x9=Rippinheads..................................................................... . . .. . .. .

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Modern Warfare 2 or Battlefield Bad Company 2?

Haven't posted in a while, how's everyone?
So Modern Warfare 2 is still hot on the gaming list. But there's one other choice that is catching a lot of attention. Battlefield Bad Company 2! The game released this month, and is really stealing some attention from Modern Warfare 2. For it's graphic, physics with more destructible environments and drivable military vehicles some say that Bad Company 2 blows Modern Warfare 2 clean out of the water.
Bad Company 2 is a game with a huge range of weapons and military vehicles.
Weapons consists of those in the Modern Warfare series, and some with some additionals. Vehicle wise, the characters can drive them around in the destructible environment, from small ATV's, Heavily Armored Tank and Attack Helicopters. And different from the first Bad Company where the walls on the houses can be obliterated, you can now dilapidate complete houses and structures.
Bad Company 2 requires teamwork and strategies to take down a target, even on multiplayer. So called "Noobs and Campers" usually don't last long in Bad Company 2. Players can interact with one another and direct coordinated attacks with the help of the military vehicles other players drive. The vehicles also gets a certain amount of teammates to places with ease.
There aren't as much solo or one man army players than Modern Warfare. Working in teams and more isolated squads is more common. There aren't specific spawn points like Modern Warfare. Bad Company has a couple choices, there are 2 fixed spots and 1 or 2 others where you can spawn behind a teammate as a squad.
The sniping in Bad Company 2 seemed to improve from the first one, but it still doesn't compare to that of Modern Warfare 1 and 2.
Overall I would think that Bad Company 2 is a better game. But it's just my opinion.

Tell Me What You Think. =)

=x9= Rippinheads